Friday, June 19, 2009

Marvel Mania

My best friend Christina is incredibly talented!
We wanted to make Ryker and Brassers room into a marvel character room, and I didn't want just posters or just boring stuff on the walls. So I bought some canvas and paints at Hobby Lobby and made a call in to my BESTEST friend. She is so awesome! She is very talented but totally doesn't recognize it! So she painted these pictures for us and we love em!

Ryker was so excited about them! In addition to some marvel posters and comic books his room is pretty neat!

I thought this one was so neat! They all are really! I am lucky to have a talented friend that will share her talent with ME!!! YEA!


Linds said...

Those are awesome. And Liza is way jealous. She would love to have a superhero room. But I just can't bring myself to decorate my little girls room that way. Anyway, she loves it!

Life with the Eldridge's said...

Those are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Christina they are awesome!!!!!!